Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Undesirable: The Tragedy of Blanche Dubois

One of the victims of this tragedy is Balance Dubos, a delicate and fragile minded outcast. Ostracizes by her hometown and abandoned by her family, she resorts to prostitution and alcoholism for consolation. In her efforts to assure herself of her own worth in her growing age, and to rescue her sister, Stella, from an abusive lifestyle, she offends the male-dominated society in which she is trapped. Despite Blanches controversial lifestyle and destructive actions, she is nonetheless a tragic heroine whose downfall resulted from poor treatment at the hands of a cruel society to which she refused to comply.Aristotle defined a tragic hero as a character of nobility with a tragic flaw that eventually leads them to their own downfall. Balance Dubos, a beautiful and sophisticated belle, once represented the vision of the south. Born into a wealthy family and happily married to a young romantic, Balance seemingly had everything desired by women of her period. However, when her young husband is revealed to be a homosexual, she is unable to cope and drives him to suicide with her disapproval. This sends Balance into a spiral of mental degeneration, rendering her unable to adjust to the changes happening in ere world, namely the fall of the south.When she goes to her sister Stella for support, she clashes with the ideals of Stellar abusive husband Stanley, ultimately leading to her mental and physical destruction through rape. Balance meets the criteria of a tragic heroine from her noble beginnings to her humble end. She was the perfect example of southern class and sophistication before the fall of the aristocracy. She lived a lofty life at her plantation, Belle Reeve, and married her first love. Her downfall began when her husband, Allan, was caught in his homosexual actions; she confronted IM and he escaped her disappointment by killing himself.The damage to her mental health resulted in the loss of her home, her self-esteem, and eventually her concept of reality, whi ch was further broken by Stanley brute invasion. While some critics argue that Balance cannot rise to the title of tragic hero due to her many character flaws, critic Kathleen Lana, in her essay A Streetcar Named Misogyny, defends Balance by reminding the readers of her humanity: In her dramatic situation, Balance is – indeed – flawed, culpable, tragically imperfect, but she is fully and flagrantly human. As a tragic Geiger she functions as a subject, to be judged by her action or inaction†¦ ere will to save herself, her sister, her home. She is being fully female, driven beyond her ability to cope with the wholly male world. At this level of the play, we may grieve as the environment destroys Balance, or we may rage as Balance backs herself into a corner with her lies and evasions. But no matter how we view Balance we see and judge Balance as Balance, a fully developed human character. Balance, as a human, has several flaws that could be considered tragic. Howeve r, the flaw that initiates the beginning of her nonfatal, Élan's suicide, is her inability to be compassionate.In his paper The Tragic Downfall of Balance Dubos, Leonard Bergman describes this flaw by stating that â€Å"Blanches most fundamental regret is not that she happened to marry a homosexual†¦ Or the discovery of Élan's homosexuality†¦ But when made aware†¦ She brought on his suicide by her expression Of disgust. † A second tragic flaw is the inability to forgive herself for denying her husband forgiveness. Bert Caraculs states in his essay Balance Dubos as Tragic Heroine, that while â€Å"Balance could hardly be expected to respond with love and understanding†¦ E never truly had an intimate, an open and trusting, relationship with him. † Caraculs goes on to say that â€Å"Balance refuses from the beginning to forgive herself for denying Allen the compassion that would have saved or perhaps changed him. † Balance could not move on from the past because she felt guilty for telling the truth, something she often praised herself for doing. At the end of the play, it seems apparent that Stanley has won; that he has conquered and triumphed over a woman who defied and insulted the wills of men.However, tragic heroes are not necessarily defined by their victories, but y their struggle against their fate. Rather than bending to the whims of men in her male dominated society, Balance instead exposed their evils, beginning with Élan's and ending with Stanley. Balance redeemed herself by admitting her own flaws to Mitch after Stanley reveals her lies. She emerged from her romanticizes fantasy land to deliver the real truth: the person she fooled the most was not him, but herself.In scene ten, Stanley believed that his personal and violent invasion of Balance would finally break her, forcing her to admit all of her wrongs and finally live in reality. While he's made out to be the actor, with nobody believing Blan ches declaration of rape, he only achieved his goal of taking all of her privately. Her mind retreated into her fantastical world of the past, allowing her to escape her reality permanently. Memories Of southern gentleman supporting their decorative belles allowed her the peace she could not find, even as she was escorted to the asylum, her new â€Å"home†, by a kindly doctor.Balance is a tragic heroine. She fits the Aristotle defined criteria, she has not only one, but two tragic flaws, and though she lost her sanity and pride by the end of the play, she does not submit to her harsh reality. Some critics argue that, in her mad hysteria, she is not befitting of the title tragic hero. However, they are simply preying on her open weakness, something that many male tragic heroes are too prideful to show. Her weakness only makes her more eligible for the title; she is exposing her flawed humanity to all who condemned her.She dares them to come clean of their own flaws, many of wh ich her society condoned. As Lana states, â€Å"She may be quite simply too noble to exist as a female in a world run by a phalanx of Stanley Kowalski. † â€Å"Balance becomes a tragic protagonist and transforms the play into an allegory; Williams uses her plight to criticize the social circumstances that have shaped her flawed persona and led her to her demise. † The social circumstances that Lauren Siegel mentions in her essay Balance Dubos: Antihero are what condemn, ostracize, and serve to flaw Balance and her fragile mind.Aside from her own tragic flaws, Blanches society is to blame for her downfall. By creating societal norms and expectations, her society placed restrictions on her actions and convinced her that what she did to survive, both mentally and financially, was morally wrong. It glorified the actions of en such as Stanley Kowalski, who measured women's worth only by their sexual attractiveness, and rejected free female sexuality. Lastly, it condemned ho mosexuals and anyone else who did not fit into society's cookie cutter conformity, namely Balance Dubos. In her hometown, Balance was known as the town nut.After the death of her relatives, paying for the plantation became her responsibility, a responsibility that weighed heavily on her damaged psyche after her husband's death. Prostitution served a dual purpose in Blanches mind; it paid the bills and allowed for meetings with â€Å"strangers† who would remind her Of her beauty. However, as knowledge of her promiscuity spread throughout the town, her name became trash and her reputation resulted in her termination from the hotel in which she worked. Though the hotel was known for its shady business, society placed her sins above others.Why? Because she was a woman who went against what was expected of her: to be married and supported by a husband, with whom she was allowed to have free intimacy. Caraculs supports this by stating, â€Å"These â€Å"strangers†, in †Å"wising up† to Blanches thinly disguised cries for help and devotion were as much to blame for her panic-driven promiscuity as she herself was. Even before the South's decline, men were the bread winners of society. However, during the reign of the aristocracy, men were expected to be gentlemen to their women, to be their financial supporters and protectors.When industrialization replaced the plantation lifestyle, a new attitude was formed. Men became cold, brutish, and domineering over every aspect of their lives, including their women. Women became objectified as property rather than respected as equals. While society praised men for owning a lot of â€Å"property, women, like Balance, were hounded for promiscuity and damned as harlots. As Lana complains, â€Å"Stanley, on the other hand, is applauded for his sexuality, for his sadistic exploitation of Stella, for his love of the ‘colored lights'. Men were permitted their adultery because of their usefulness, while women, who were viewed only as burdens, were denied their freedom. Allan and Balance needed each other to conform to society's expectations. Allen used Balance to disguise his homosexuality, and Balance used him for financial support and protection. After Balance discovered Élan's affair with another man and confronted him, she unconsciously sacrificed both her and is position in society. By embarrassing Allan, she ruined his reputation and his chances for success. His suicide left her without support or an outlet for intimacy.Caraculs uses this fact to explain Blanches acceptance of Match's courting, â€Å"she struggles at the end in his memory to achieve intimacy with Mitch which alone can restore her to grace through linking of sex with compassion. † She recognized that, though she did not love Mitch as she loved Allan, the only way to be restored in the eyes of society was to conform: to get married. However, her inability to win over Mitch after her lies are revealed mode her chances and foreshadowed that she would never be able to rejoin the society that rejected her. Society's expectations prevented both women and men from shaping their own destiny.By forcing the cult of domesticity, both Stella and Balance, the women who conformed and the women who failed to conform, suffered at the hands of men. Conformers often found themselves in unhappy or even abusive relationships and nonconformists were left to their own devises. Likewise, the men, like Allan, who could not abandon their gentle southern upbringing or hide their preference of gender, were rejected and replaced by heir more manly counterparts. Society condemned, ostracizes, and served to flaw what it did not accept. Part of what makes Blanches tragedy a tragedy is how her society treated her when she was found to be undesirable.Instead of being provided with proper help and treatment, she is hauled off to the madhouse in an embarrassing and demeaning manner. She is also denied an invest igation of her declaration of rape by Stanley, as no one believed she was in her right mind. It is this mistreatment that resulted not only in Blanches fate, but also Élan's and Stellar: mental institutionalizing, suicide, ND domestic abuse. Women were considered undesirables due to their lack of skills. However, they were never trained to be anything other than good mothers and wives in their cult of domesticity.When faced with the brutality of male dominance, women were often mistreated through physical and emotional abuse. However, because they were objectified as the property Of men, society often condoned this ruthless behavior and allowed the abuse behind closed doors. Even the women themselves thought of it as the price paid to keep the peace. Lana shows this in Stella by stating, ‘Stella knows that, t a deeply unconscious level, she must keep Stanley happy to preserve the economic and emotional security she has achieved as his woman. † Homosexuals had an equa l, if not lower, position with women in society.While they were still men, they were seen as having a closer relation to that of women. Lana shows this relation by her description of the author Williams, â€Å"Williwaw's homosexuality in a heavily masculine society rendered him naturally sympathetic toward the plight of the women†¦ With whom he identified with. † When Balance revealed Allan as a homosexual, she condemned him as less than a man by society standards. As a result, suicide became a better option than living in shame. Although he is a character with greater morality than Stanley, Élan's inability to conform to society wishes made him a reject nonetheless.Despite her protective retreat into her memories of the past, Balance still had recollection of Stanley act of violence against her. However, because of her lack of mental stability, her claim is brushed off by the doctors, her neighbors, and even Stella. Her society denied her human rights and savagely s tripped her Of her dignity in her last scene. In her madness, she believed she was making her escape with a gentlemanly lealer, but instead was greeted by two doctors intending to take her away to an asylum.After fighting them at first, she allows herself to be led away by her kindly doctor, after informing him that â€Å"she has always depended on the kindness of strangers†. These strangers, who abused her mental fragility and took advantage of her, are the same men that society praised for their masculine dominance. To conclude, Lana sums up Balance Dubbing's tragedy: â€Å"in the struggle with the dark forces of her society, Balance, with her typically female characteristics, is ultimately lost and savagely exploited.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Imc for Samsung Galaxy

Apple Phone already created a boom relied, now it is time for smart tablets to take over the boom. Well-known companies such as Apple and Samsung have already launched tablets called pad and Galaxy Tab and they have become very popular with people and are getting more popular. As Samsung is already known as one of the top electronic devices providers, customer awareness AT ten Drank Is relatively enlarger tan toner competitors, however, the marketing team provides MIMIC plan throughout the report to gain more customer awareness and sales.Samsung targets its main target market to 15 to 50 year old middle to high income genuineness, women or students who are mostly early adopters and want to try new high-tech products. The estimated target market size is approximately 10,048,226. It is true that still Apple pad is dominating the tablet market by 75% and Samsung Galaxy Tab follows next acquiring 22%, however, Galaxy Tab is closing the gap day by day. As Galaxy Tab is a little cheaper th an pad, people who are price sensitive would prefer Galaxy Tab to pad.Samsung aims to increase more than 25% of the tablet market by the end of March 2012, and increase customer awareness towards Galaxy Tab 2 from 55% to 75% by the first quarter of 2012. Samsung is going to use various media tools to promote the product through period 1 to 3 from September 2011 to March 2012. See below; In the period 1, for the whole month of September before the release of the product, on the Youth site Galaxy Tab will be broadcast worldwide.The next period, on the release day, 10 Bentley cars with pictures of Galaxy Tab 2 will be running around HCI to catch people's attention. Then for the next few days lucky draws will be held in every Samsung retail store in HCI, customers who buy Galaxy Tab 2 get a chance to win a trip to Korea, Samsung mobile phones and other electronic devices. Samsung plans to advertise Galaxy Tab 2 as online banner on various popular websites, on TV commercials, magazines a nd billboards. Samsung also uses celebrity brand endorsers, Mr.. Bin Mini and Ms.Than Hang, to promote the product and to change consumer perception. Furthermore, Samsung intends to have brand endorsers from Korea, Dong Bang Shin Gig and You-An Kim, to hold autograph sessions at Vinson Centre and Diamond Plaza. Samsung is planning to have autograph session not only to increase customer awareness but also to promote the tablet. In the period 3, Samsung is aiming to sponsor Than Hang to have music video and also from 8 February to 8 March a festival called Where the love begins' will be held to encourage more customers to purchase the product.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Black or White

American society is portrayed in Michael Jackson’s song â€Å"Black or White. † Whereas the racism is defined as a superior behavior against other race-thus making it inferior, the singer refers to this term as â€Å"See, it’s not about races, just places, faces, where your blood comes from is where your space is. † Michael Jackson, one of the most influential artists in the music industry, calls for equality in how people view and behave towards each other. The question, which this master thesis investigates, does it matter if you’re black or white, is clearly answered by the singer: â€Å"It don’t matter if you’re black or white. † Jackson was trying to influence his society to act in a similar way and he calls for them to live their lives by Dr. Luther’s dream â€Å"†¦. judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. † However, almost thirty years later, it still seemed only as a dream because he sang: â€Å"I’m tired of this Devil†, where the bad is being represented by the prejudice. At the same time, he clearly states: â€Å"I’m not gonna spend my life being a color† – this is where he makes his conclusion. This can imply that even though he doesn’t discriminate and would like to see color prejudice gone, he is still being discriminated against. While being the most prominent artist in the music industry, he still calls himself â€Å"a color† and he rebuts against it and wants to be seen for the person he is and not the pigmentation of his skin. It is widely known that Michael Jackson had many facial plastic surgeries and it is controversial whether or not he altered his skin color by chemical peels or was it the disease called vitiligio that changed his face color to white. Therefore, it can be speculated that he modified skin to appear white, which ultimately is his vision. It can be further questioned – since Michael Jackon can’t win his struggle for racial equality, did he give up and go white – just to end his inner battle? Will all his suffering come to closure since now he looks white? Is this the true answer? It may be deemed as so since the skin color is the guide of one’s position in the society where being white claims supremacy-control and power. It should be noted that Michael Jackson is one of the greatest musicians of all times, having sold over 750 million records worldwide. He has accomplished so much in his life, yet still feels inferior and calls for racial equality in the world. His vision for a better world to live in, free of racism, ends on a sad note: â€Å"It’s black, it’s white†. To summarize, through decades, the blacks have fought to be equal, as the American nation shall guarantee those rights, yet, the society is still divided into the superior, the whites, and inferior- the blacks (and other people of color). Blacks have always been portrayed as the dirty, the poor, the lesser-of-a human type whereas the whites are seen as the dominant, the good type. Again, Jackson does not agree with this stereotype in saying: â€Å"I ain’t second to none. †Moreover, he claims that he will no longer be scared and mentions historical symbol of a KKK group: â€Å"I ain’t scared of your brother, I ain’t scared of no sheets. With his passing in 2009, many of his inner struggles come to the end, but will the next generation start working on being color-free as the king of pop envisioned? America has always struggled with racial issues, especially those of black and white. Some them included racial segregation, education, workforce, banking and even seating on the bus. Black people continuously tried to â€Å"break thru† into community, but were always pushed aside as dirty, poor and unwelcome. We, in modern times, see the United States of America as a country that treats everyone equal. Americans should all be all equal, no matter what race, color, religion or any other characteristics they have. After all, we all remember year 2009, which is when Americans elected their first African American President. Question that comes to mind – why â€Å"first African American President,† not just simply their 44th President? So – the race and color of your skin does matter in modern times. My analyses of selected books, academic journals, films and music video will concentrate and argue if Americans indeed discriminate against race or if it is history and no longer exists in American life. First, I would like to take into consideration the iconic Michael Jackson, one of the greatest, perhaps the greatest singer and performer of the 21st century. Not only his songs deserve a closer look, but also his lifestyle – ideas, fears and the public opinion. â€Å"Black or White† by Michael Jackson and Bill Bottrell is a one of the greatest singles in Michael’s career. It was released on November 11, 1991. What inspired Michael to particularly select these two topics? Black or white – as implied in the song, he sings about skin color. Songs starts in Africa, possibly showing Jackson’s â€Å"beginning† – he is black. In one of the scenes, Michael sings â€Å"I ain’t scared of no sheets; I ain’t scared of nobody† while he is walking through fire images – which is being compared to KKK and its torch ceremonies. Here, he is portraying his painful vision of KKK and its vision. Later, the performers sing â€Å"I’m not gonna spend my life being a color. † What a great statement. Michael, throughout his whole life and his career, shows us his inner and constant fight for a non-racial America. Being black himself, he had struggled and finally came to the top, but still did not achieve the level of happiness – which is â€Å"no color† in his country. Later, Jackson sings on Statue of Liberty’s torch, again possibly reminding us about the KKK, and at the same time – the Statue symbolizes liberty, which for him will be color-free, no discrimination America. We shouldn’t forget about Michael’s actions in this video. In the original version, he is smashing the car, windows and the inn exploded. However, later he had to edit this version to minimize his violent behavior, however. He altered it by adding four racial graffiti messages onto the windows that he was smashing. As I suggested earlier, Michael Jackson is portrayed as an angry black man who simply hates the discrimination against black people and shows his feelings by destroyed his surroundings, as he was being destroyed himself –just for being of black color. In is interesting to observe, the Jackson, when asked to change his destructive aggressive music video, he indeed did change it, but didn’t forget about this hostility towards discrimination. He had just portrayed it differently (graffiti). First message reads: â€Å"Hitler Lives,† then â€Å"Nigger Go Home,† â€Å"No More Wetbacks,† and finally â€Å"KKK Rules. † It can be argued if Michael Jackson is simply smashing windows with those painful ideas – is destroying them – to make a better world? Finally, the song comes from the album â€Å"Dangerous. † What did the author have in mind? Are all of those issues, painful experiences and the fight for non-colored America dangerous? It can be argued that yes. Jackson showed us the dangerous side of being black, where he was always forced to fight and that causes different sorts of trouble. In â€Å"Black or White,† Michael brilliantly portrayed two core problems people were facing daily: black or white. As we look at his lifestyle and constant metamorphoses, Michael Jackson had numerous surgeries that altered the color of his skin and make him â€Å"white. † It is very controversial as many sources quote that Jackson had a condition where one looses a pigment of his skin, called vitiligo. However, Michael Jackson public image is seen as a person who constantly tried to be white, therefore, sought surgeries to help him attain this goal. Michael Jackson shows us that it could have probably been easier to make himself white and not struggle for color-free America, where everyone is equal, no matter of who there are or what they look like. It would also be important to analyze some of the lyrics from Jackson’s music video. He sings: â€Å"I had to tell them I ain’t second to none. † It can be understood that he no longer is accepting the fact that black is â€Å"second,† which is worse, just because of the color. He continues: â€Å"And I told about equality† – he tells us he wants to be considered equal, despite his skin color. Next verse, he has really had enough of being pushed around because he is black â€Å"I am tired of this devil, I am tired of this stuff, I am tired of this business. † Finally, he talks about racism in: â€Å"See, it’s not about races, Just places, Faces, Where your blood, Comes from, Is where your space is, I’ve seen the bright, Get duller, I’m not going to spend, My life being a color. † Here Michael Jackson compares himself to simply being a â€Å"color. † He is less than a human being only because he is not white. He is â€Å"black. Again, he accents his refusal of living his life being black. He wants to be equal, equal to white. It should be also noted that throughout video, Michael Jackson is wearing black and white clothing (white shirt, black blazer, white accents on his right arm and nails, black shoes, white socks). He seems to be a person caught in a black-and-white world and struggles to change it, showing his pain. However, at the very end, he turns into a black panther. This transformation may symbolize him as a black man who will fight for his rights, yet, still remain black. In book â€Å"The Color of Credit: Mortgage Discrimination, Research Methodology, and Fair-Lending Enforcement† Stephen L. Ross and John Yinger present racial issues and argue the importance of skin color in banking. It should be noted that this book was published in 2002, year where we all think that American people are equal, especially on racial basis. Therefore, why and how does the skin color come into play in banking? First, the American lenders take many factors into consideration when disbursing the mortgage. Such factors include many details such as the creditor’s ability to repay the loan – where the lender accesses the potential risk of losing the loan. There are many different lenders and they base their information on statistics, demographics and make final decision based on the risk factors. Research showed that mainly blacks would seek loans, which are not favorable to all lenders. Therefore such bank does take race into consideration when reviewing for application for credit. It is also shown that blacks will most likely work with subprime lenders (44%) with comparison to whites (only 4%). Blacks generally cannot use the prime mortgage market due to their poor qualifications, thus creating the black to white ratio of getting the mortgage with figures of 2. 28 denial for prime market and 1. 27 for subprime. At the same time, limited research shows that blacks-even though have some qualifications as white – would remain in the subprime market and thus be charged higher fees. Equal Credit Opportunity Act says: It shall be unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any applicant, with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction— n the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or marital status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract). (U. S. Code Title 15, Chapter 41, Section 1691) This would mean that all people should be treated equally in banks, when doing business in banks, no discrimination in credit transaction. However, authors argue that the bank may take a different look at the person and who they are in â₠¬Å"business necessity† can be proved. Therefore, even while it is regulated by law, certain discriminatory practices can and do exist. Later, it would be rather hard to prove that the lender discriminated based for example on race. All regulations are not very clear and courts find it hard to find such a connection of discrimination. It is implied that blacks, with poorer ability to repay, living in lower income communities, must face subprime, expensive mortgages – to possibly make as much money as possible in the shortest time-so if the black borrower defaults on his payments, the lender wouldn’t lose its investment. This is to compare with the white borrower who lives in the richer-type setting, is more likely to meet his payments, therefore, he is offered a prime mortgage rate, without the necessity to further secure the loan. It can be argued if blacks and whites are treated equally, despite many regulations. On one hand, the lender must adhere to all necessary regulations, but on the other hand, such institution can make necessary decisions to make that mortgage profitable – thus, taking all factors into consideration in the application process. We can further analyze that race and color of skin does matter when one is being evaluated for such an application. It is believed that whites pose a lower risk to a financial institution than blacks. This also means, as authors point out, that black are less likely to be approved for a higher-priced home than a white person, which causes the real estate agents to discriminate and not show the more expensive houses to blacks. Maybe they don’t discriminate, they just know that lender is not likely to approve a black person in comparison to the same application of a white person? It is particularly important to note that authors point out that ‘‘on average, black mortgage applications have higher loan-to value and debt-to-income ratios than do white applications. ’’ In closing, it should be noted that while many regulations exist, there is no proof that racial discrimination has gone away and some research suggests that blacks still have lower approval rate in comparison to the whites. It is said that race does play a key role when the lender looks at your mortgage application.

George Mason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

George Mason - Essay Example judge and statesman, a leader in the cause of American rights in opposition to British tyranny, author â€Å"Fairfax Resolves,† (1774), active in work leading up to 1787 Convention which framed U.S. Constitution. He has also been remarkable as he â€Å"did not sign Constitution and opposed ratification due to fear of inadequate limits on Federal power to prevent its becoming tyrannical; urged addition of â€Å"Bill of Rights;† was one of principal slave-owners (including Washington and Jefferson) who deplored existence of slavery and favored abolition, with compensation by government to owners of freed slaves.† (Mason). All these aspects of this great leader were, it seems, not enough to earn him a more respectable position in the pages of American history. A profound analysis of the life and works of Mason makes one recognize the impact of a true social and political leader upon the future of a great nation and this will also indicate the need for reserving a prime position to this influential leader in the unoccupied areas of American history. In this paper, an overview of this great American leader who, all through his life was steered by his belief in the rule of reason as well as in the essentiality of the natural rights of every man is undertaken. This has been significant an attempt in appreciating the natural leadership of Mason in the political and social aspects and recommends for a greater position for him in the American history. It is essential to have a basic awareness about the biography of Mason in order to appreciate the true leadership traits in his character. Thus, it can be seen that George Mason was born at the Mason family plantation at Fairfax Country in Virginia, to George and Ann Thomson Mason in the year 1725. After the death of his father when he was only 10 he was brought up by his uncle, John Mercer and soon he established himself as one of the important figures in his community. Mason married Anne Eilbeck in 1750 and had five children

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Uranium Mining in Western United States and its Effects Research Paper

Uranium Mining in Western United States and its Effects - Research Paper Example The element, uranium, occurred in ores mined for extraction of other minerals, especially carnonite. After the First World War and during the second war, uranium received a lot interest as an element. This write up follows the development of uranium mining as a by-product, to the exhaustive processing of uranium containing ores in search of uranium in later years. Uranium received such great interest because of its properties. Uranium decays with the release of energy and other particles; this makes it useful in nuclear weaponry and in production of electricity. Uranium was pursued for both reasons to a varied degree. This research paper investigates the circumstances that led to the uranium rush. The mining of uranium has numerous effects to both human beings and the environment. The writer of this paper reviews the chronological but enduring effects of uranium mining in the western United States. It investigates the ecological, social-cultural and health effects of uranium mining i n the western states. The importance of uranium and the role it has played in the development of the US cannot be belittled. Nevertheless, the lack of due care in the mining and processing of uranium ore resulted to varied adverse effects. Some of these effects have been around for several decades and are not yet over. Due to the long half-life of uranium, thorium and radon, their deposits take millions of years to reduce to safe levels. Additionally, the presence of a water-soluble uranium isotope made it easy for the spread of radionuclides from the mining districts to other states. Geography of western United States Western US covers the greater half of the country. It is divided into pacific states, west coast, mountain states, western Texas, and the mid west. The first group includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington while the west coast refers to California, Oregon, and Washington. The mountain states include Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. T he Midwest includes Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota among others. (Energy-net) The western region features a wealthy but intricate tectonic history. This includes volcanoes, extension and compression. The Colorado flat terrain is at the centre of this region. The deformed Rocky Mountains (north), southern Rocky Mountains (northeast), Rio Grande rift (east), and the basin and range (south and west) surround the plateau. The plateau consists of gently tilted blocks of monoclines (Fagbola 2007, p. 1-8). The Colorado plateau extends to about 130,000 square miles. It is in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona. Precambrian and metamorphic rocks form the basement of the plateau. Colorado’s basic topography can be demarcated threefold. The eastern part consisting of plains, the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Country Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Country Analysis - Essay Example Leaders who are charismatic are perceived to have a strong impact on their fan base or followers (Sotik et al 2002). Such leaders show dominance, self confidence and extraversion. They employ emotional appeals instead of authority (Yulk 2006) to elicit obedience from followers. Thinking of France, this form of leadership has been adapted very well. Despite the French being collective, they were not ready to be subjected to authority. Moreover, France tends to deject coercion into altering their ways. Such conditions are always needed from followers inspired by transformational leadership (Strang 2005). In contrary, French followers are likely to be influenced by a leader who is charismatic as they have a feeling of obedience to him. This appeals to the French as they believe in free will and the right to do whatever they want (laizzes faire). The similarity between the value of followers and vision in a charismatic leader and followers’ conception show why the style is effective in France. The style is relevant to charismatic leadership but direct approach in this style makes the difference. The literature implied transformational leadership made the followers loyal, trust and admire and have respect for the leaders while the followers had the motivation to extend beyond expectation. In other studies, there was a suggestion that transformational leadership changed and followers be induced by giving them instructions on criticality of objectives to attain. Therefore, the leaders made followers to be impelled to give up their aspirations for team’s or organization’s benefit. In his previous works, Yulk (2006) stated that contingencies in which transformational style was probable to spring was in an unstable and dynamic environment, a friendly and flexible one to innovation. Nevertheless, the French never considered innovation friendliness to be a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Thinking and decision making paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thinking and decision making - Research Paper Example Such isolation, if made part of everyday thinking, proves harmful. Lower abstraction is a kind of thinking that occurs when an individual is involved in a task and knows about all potential aspects in which the task functions. The lady may appreciate the exotic look of the variety of meals on the dining table when the guest arrives, yet this appreciation occurs within the context. People make use of lower abstraction when they need to perceive a situation. The lady may think that it might not be good for the guest to have the sweet dish with the meal, but then might think, â€Å"If I don’t make a sweet dish, my meal would be incomplete. Let the guest enjoy the sweet dish once in a blue moon† (this perception is based on the visualization of the meal from the aesthetic point of view). In complicated situations, lower abstraction is used in order to perceive and analyze a situation. The individual thinking this way analyzes the particular aspects that control a given situation and the working of several entities that make part of the si tuation. In everyday thinking, we work in an integrated manner in every aspect whether or not we are aware of that. We employ the knowledge of aspects tacitly. We may make one thing the focus of our attention, yet we know about the thing’s context. For example, the lady wanting to cook the meal for the guests may go to the market and purchase the ingredients and buy the cooking book to learn the cooking techniques, but she also remains aware of what the guests’ satisfaction means to her and that she wants to avoid unnecessary criticism by the guests. Of the three types of thinking, everyday thinking is the most rational while lower abstraction is better than higher abstraction. Steps involved in the critical thinking process include acquiring knowledge, comprehending things,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

NIC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NIC - Essay Example For this reason, I would strongly believe and concur that nursing interventions would be different for less and more experienced nurses. First, several strategies are employed in the development of a critical thought of nursing education. These strategies are essential in the attainment of high-quality nursing/clinical practice; hence, likely to be found among the more experienced nursed. Second, the nursing interventions would be different since the most experienced nurses have a high accuracy to clinical practice and would not waste time and energy in handling any case. This would ensure that minimal harm is caused to the patients, and their respective families satisfied. Third, more experienced nurses would have better nursing interventions than the less experienced ones due to the professional engagements they have undertaken. These nurses possess essential features of nursing such as the provision of caring relationships to patients; hence, facilitating health and healing (Macnee & McCabe, 2007). They also pay attention to the variety of human experiences and rejoinders that entail health or illness within the respective physical environments, and are well equipped to integrate knowledge with data assessments obtained from patient appreciations. Finally, the more experienced nurses are better at nursing interventions due to their capability to apply scientific knowledge to diagnosis and treatment processes through judgmental and critical thinking. Therefore, they have the capability to influence public and social policies towards the promotion of social justice in health institutions. The more experienced nurses are able to think critically than the less experienced ones; hence, an indication of a knowledge base from which to reason, analyze, and appraise evidence (Hughes et al.,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Research Project - Assignment Example By value, this constitutes about 76% and 63% by volume. There is a difference between the contribution of men and women to the skin care market. While women contribute 72% share by value, the men contribute 38% (PR Newswire 2013). Nonetheless, this is quite true, as women in the UK account for 50% of the UK population. In addition, it is a fact that in most parts of the world, women are the major users of beauty products. This is also the case in the United Kingdom. However, it is expected that in future, more men will use beauty products, as they focus more on their personal grooming and hygiene (Premium beauty news n.d). Therefore, it important to understand the different factors that influence the decision of consumers in the UK to purchase skin care products. The purpose of this research study is to explore the present environment of skin care industry in the UK. Special focus is on the loyalty of consumers, as well as their purchasing. The study will therefore, also assess the decisions of people in the UK to buy skin care products. In this case therefore, the study will explore various push factors, which influence people in the UK to buy skin care products. The scope of this research is limited to the study on the skin care market in the UK only. This involves the factors influencing the decision of people in the UK to purchase skin care products. Therefore, this study does not study the global market. For this reason, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to other skin care markets outside the UK. This is because the factors influencing the purchase of skin care products by consumers vary from country to country. The UK ranks as the third largest economy in Europe, as it comes after Germany and France (EUbusiness 2014). UK consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is served by London as the capital city. Overall, the UK has a population of approximately 61.7 million as

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Child development shot answer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Child development shot answer - Assignment Example First Law: For all of the human beings, their traits are heritable and transferred through generations. This law indicates that no matter where the kids are raised some of strong makers in their behavior are the result of heredity. A conventional theory is, half of the variation in intelligence, personality and life outcomes is heritable. Second Law: Genes affect a person’s behavior more than the effect of a person being brought up in the same family. This law explains that the effect of upbringing on a child’s behavior is about 0% to 10% rests of his traits are all genetics. Answer: Their proposed theory of development with genetics is that the genetical traits also have an effect on the environment changes and both of them have a direct or through experience impact on 3 types of correlations: Passive, Evocative and Active. If a child is raised in a tragic environment then chances are that in an evocative environment he would start showing negative traits. Q5. List and define the 4 attachments styles assessed in childhood through the Strange Situation. Then provide an overview of the parenting styles or patterns of caregiving that are thought to foster each of the 4 attachment styles. Describe or explain the social learning, cognitive developmental, and ethological explanation so of how infants form primary attachments. Answer: Secure attachment. In this type of attachment the child feels safe, explorative and happy. He trusts the person he is with and knows his needs will be fulfilled. In this case the parents response quickly to the child’s need and are always there for him when needed. Avoidant attachment. This type of attachment tells us that the child is not that happy, he does not feel explorative and understands that his needs might not be met. In this case the parents are usually distant and detached to the child. Ambivalent

Admission Essay Example for Free

Admission Essay The various choices that we make in our lives greatly affect the way we dictate our future. These decisions catapult us towards our own individual vision and mission in life. The education that we get is only one aspect to attain success. Knowledge without hard work and dedication is only a half-hearted gesture. Equipped with these reasons, I would like to present myself to my classmates in graduate school. I know that each one in this class has their own unique reasons why they are pursuing such degree. Personally, I took this course because I wanted to use all the skills and objectives towards my development and use it as a tool towards the stepladder of my career. During this time of increasing challenges and high competitiveness when it comes to the work environment, each one must have the adequate skills to have an advantage over my fellow counterparts. By doing this, I can be dynamic in my professional career and also feel a sense of fulfillment in everything that I do. Looking at my previous experience, I can say that I have had my fair share of success and trials in my career as an accountant. See more: Social process essay My previous educational achievements date back in 2003 wherein I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Economics at Northeast (Dongbei) University of Finance and Economics. My interest in mathematics then brought me towards the field of Accounting wherein I finished my Becker CPA Review Scholarship in 2006 at University of Missouri with a GPA of 3. 82. These educational attainments provided me with the firm theoretical background that I can use as I engage as a professional in various work environments. The next big challenge for me is the taking up the licensure examinations for it tested my ability of analysis, retention and other related skills. After months of hard work and perseverance, I passed my CPA exams at Missouri in February 2007 and garnering an average of 90. 7. Also, the next year, I took and passed my Actuarial examination that happened last May 2008. This event gave me the opportunity and privilege to practice my profession and get a stable job that can help me further my career. After the grueling examinations at my licensure exams, I had now to tackle the real challenges brought about by the workplace. Last 2007, I was a staff accountant at Glen Martin Engineering in Boonville. I was designated towards auditing, reviewing, analyzing and preparing reports that mattered to the company. Moreover, I effectively monitored the inflow and outflow of goods and capital inside as I try to account various orders. Currently, I am affiliated with G4S International in New York. My job description is relatively the same with my previous employment; however the new one also focuses on issues such as revenue forecast, bank reconciliation, and monthly and annual task reports. This is how I want my classmates to know who I am. I continuously strive for betterment and have the adage that â€Å"to be the best among the rest, one must never stop learning and believing in possibilities†. By knowing your own weaknesses, you can be able to exert extra effort to provide the best of your capabilities. Due to this, I also aspire that the course can be able to do the same for students. It must be able to provide the necessary avenues to enhance our skills and provide an efficient strategy to realize this. In the end, I urge my fellow classmates to give their best in everything that is being given to them. They must constantly strive towards not only on their individual development but also on others. By doing this, not only can they uplift their individual capabilities, but also foster an effective and effective classroom environment. My name is Xue Bai and I deem to have a good semester with each one of you.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Confederate camp Essay Example for Free

Confederate camp Essay In the Confederate camp, among the most noted female was Amy Clarke. As in the case of Malinda Blalock, Amy volunteered for military service in order to be with her husband. They fought together in the â€Å"battles of Shiloh, where Mr. Clarke was killed. † After burying her husband personally, Amy continued fighting with the Confederate army under General Bragg in Kentucky. She was wounded in action twice. The first time she suffered only a minor ankle injury. However, her second injury was a breast wound and she was consequently captured by the enemy who promptly discovered that she was a woman. She was later released as a war prisoner on parole on the condition that she would wear woman’s clothes. It did not take long for Amy to rejoin a Confederate unit in Tennessee, however, this time as a lieutenant. (Hall, n. d. ) The case of Rosetta Wakeman was rather different. She did not join the army out of patriotism nor because of any husband or sweetheart. She did it essentially for money. Rosetta belonged to a big family in upstate New York who toiled under almost inhuman conditions on a farm owned by the family. At the age of 19, she decided to leave her family and look for work elsewhere. Since the usual jobs available for women like those of a domestic helper or a laundress were such low-paying occupations, she decided to disguise herself as a man and took on a man’s job as a coal handler in a canal boat. When she heard that a soldier received a much better salary of $13 a month, she joined the â€Å"153rd New York State Volunteers† as a private. As a soldier, she was able to save her salary which enabled her to send large amounts of money to her folks back home and would ask them for â€Å"tobacco, apples, pies, and cakes† in return. According to her family, she used to write and tell them how she enjoyed her life as a soldier, â€Å"having the time of her life† and enjoying freedoms which were not available to her, being a woman. She told them that â€Å"I enjoy myself first rate†¦I have had plenty of money to spend and a good time asoldiering. I find just as good friends among strangers as I do at home. † Rosetta became so good at posing as a man and hiding her real identity that not even her acquaintances from home recognized her whenever she went to see her newly acquired male friends in other units. She continued to deceive everybody even when she was admitted in a hospital for treatment of dysentery. Until the very end, Loreta died and was â€Å"buried as a soldier† at the Chalmette National Cemetery in New Orleans. (CivilWarStudies. org, n. d. ) Regardless of the reasons and the extent of women participation in the civil war, the fact remains that the war had not been an all male show. The history of the American Civil War would not have been as colorful if women chose to simply stay home and do nothing. References Blanton, D. (1993). Women Soldiers of the Civil War, Part 2. National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved July 27, 2007, from http://www. archives. gov/publications/prologue/1993/spring/women-in-the-civil-war-1. html CivilWarStudies. org. (n. d. ). Why Did Women Fight in the Civil War? About. com. Retrieved July 27, 2007, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Interior Design Architecture And Technology Cultural Studies Essay

Interior Design Architecture And Technology Cultural Studies Essay Nowadays, interior design become one of the most important works in the life, it can be define as a profession in relation to each what is going on within the space walls, windows, doors, finishes, textures, light, furnishings and furniture, the design of space inside homes and building such as choice of decor in other hand is the trade of planning the layout and furnishing of an architectural interior. It shows the art of the person and each design shows a particular person and has a distinctive design, even if it has more than one design, but there remains a personal touch shows the designer himself. Interior design is not far removed from the architecture, but is associated entirely. It cannot build without a design from the inside and it cannot also design the building internally without external. Architecture is for us a collective term for the material environment, for interior design, surface engineering, infrastructure, urban planning, landscape and region, but also for their construction and appropriation, for planning, construction, and inhabiting. Theory of architecture is a survey of the built environment by its inhabitants. But we will talk about something different; we will talk about Japanese houses and building that it is famous in its architectural and decorative and we will sort them by the date. There are lot kinds of houses and interiors in Japan. Yamamotos minka is great example, which was functional and built of study local materials. Such a house can be generally divided into two distinct zones. First zone it is the entrance area is called Doma. the sceond zone is the farmhouse usually stands on wooden plinth and includes the living area and bedrooms. another kind is Tsai houses are located in the countryside. In the house there is Tatami, it is used in Japanese style, made from plants and placed on the rooms ground, but it cant place furnitures like chairs and beds because it damage the Tatami. The city of Tokyo, one of the most populated areas civilization on the planet, Tokyo contains a large number of population of some 33 million people and a high percentage of architecture, although the Tokyo dating back to the 17 century to 19 century until it became the capital of Japan, but what little remains of the original architecture because of two: the occurrence of an earthquake in 1923 and World War II, which affected much of the population down to half. Economic development in Tokyo after the war has to show a new city, and vast in area, a magnificent architectural and this remains with the original planning of the ancient city. First, in 2000: Small jewelry store ete is located on the Kotto Dori, is a commercial street of old shops that now contains contemporary decor and breathtaking scenery bright and has done so in the design simple and clear powered lighting: and have been using green light on surfaces instead of using the green surfaces so This creates a sense of color is beautiful, and the impact of hidden in the dÃÆ' ©cor. Ete 2000 This new store for comme des garcons, in the elegant district of Aoyama represents the companys quest for a new concept in shopping premises. Instead of following the pattern of a predefined corporate image, as was the case with stores ten or twenty years ago, the firm now offers a space that can be adapted to every situation, in which design is expressed through a number of subtle nuances. Distorted geometrical forms, bright colors and an austere backdrop are the key elements of this project. Comme des Garcons 2000 Second, in 2001: The designer Issey Miyake that created the new brand name Me Issey Miyake produces only T-shirt made of flexible materials, and thus, is worn by anyone, the concept of this production is applied to the design of the shop, and it has been to maximize the use of available scarce. Me Issey Miyake 2001 Interior design of the Tag Heuer store hours was a find a space to reflect the contemporary, Their Excellencies and technology. Complexity and development of this place, the result of Continuous coating, which led to modernism and reduce lines, and so the customer finds many of the elements that show several meanings: the traditional use of wood in a modern way with the transparent glass plates, walls, and use the beauty of glass and twisted compact (2001) Tag Heuer 2001 Characterized by Street Giza busy supermarkets and malls have massive fronts and neon lights, unlike the street, but the interfaces of sheet metal and curved glass, and austerity. From the inside, however, visitors will see the developed world Merged with the details and equipment such as the auto show Nissan. Nissan gallery Ginza 2001 This project aimed to create an avant-grade, hi-tech look while overcoming the limitations of a narrow lot and preserve the traditional touch of the firm that commissioned the building. The cladding, consisting of prefabricated glass blocks measuring 18 X 18 inches specially made for this project, mark a bright, continuous separation between the tranquility of the interior and the bustle of Ginza, Tokyos most famous shopping district, A sophisticated and flexible articulated steel system was designed to prevent any damage from possible earthquakes. Maison Hermes 2001 the design of night club, in the heart of popular bar district of Shinjuku, had two main objectives, one social and other strictly physical: on the one hand, to create a setting that encourages interaction between customers and waitresses, and, on the other, to conjure up an illusion of spaciousness on premises that are really of limited dimensions and low in height. Curved walls, bright colors and longitudinal perspectives are the main elements used to achieve the desired effect. Club Now 2001 This restaurant, which specializes in thick Japanese noodles, is designed to welcome several groups of guests, while offering each one a setting appropriate to their needs. The project is divided into three distinct areas. One revolves round large central table; a second is a high counter that overlooks the kitchen, while the third is n area with seats, ideally suited to meetings and small parties. Hrenochi Hare Sugamo 2001 Third, in 2002: The border between inside and outside, public and private Hamarek logic in central Tokyo, there is Dentsu tower consists of 48 floors, the line shows the ground until you feel it disappear in the sky, it designed a way that allows the sun to be reflected upon as encountered made of glass that causes for all day. Dentsu Tower 2002 The project of French high school in Tokyo, including the various structures of a portion of an extension, the original design of this school was complicated thing has caused some significant challenges, such harmony with neighboring structures, and integration with the original buildings and expand the free space of the school Building Construction sequence and to create a multi-purpose spaces on the basis of metal and glass structures. Extension of French Japanese High School 2002 This long, narrow basement in a building in the Ginza neighborhood was converted into a distinctive bar using the color red and mirrors as the main design elements. The entrance via a staircase lined with velvet drapes and red lights arouses the visitors curiosity. On the lower level, the space is arranged around a bar and three couches, in the form of a circular niche, that are reflected in the mirror at the far end. Cabaret 2002 Ginto occupies the fourth floor of a building devoted to commerce in Ikebukuro; it comprises a large restaurant divided into various spaces suited for single guests, couples or groups. The name Ginto, which means silver rabbit, served as a reference point in the design process. Silver is present in the main dining room, not only on the walls, furniture and decorative objects but also on the drapes made with silver beads that serve as dividing element. Ginto Restaurant 2002 The overriding aim of this bar is not very different from that of the majority of Tokyos nightspots: the creation of a restful, welcoming atmosphere that provides a relaxing break from the hubbub of the city. In the case of Lounge O, set in the exclusive Aoyama neighborhood, this purpose is fulfilled by means of delicate lighting that emphasizes the interplay of textures and colors in its interior. The main hall marked off into various areas by two glass boxes in the middle of the space that serve as lamps. Lounge 2002 The main characteristics of the brands on sale in this store a distinctive style, a mixture of materials or manufacturing techniques are also the guiding principles of the design of the space. These premises on the first floor of shopping mall in the fashionable Omotesando neighborhood have served as the backdrop for experimentation with the possibilities and combination of materials, with respect to both the proposals of those that existed in the original space. Addition 2002 The project for this hair salon sought to find a feeling of privacy in a space flooded with light that plays with the idea of transparency. The wooden floor in the waiting area combined with the restrained furnishing create an atmosphere more redolent of a hotel reception that a hair salon. The six blowups from Mapplethorpes series of baby Portraits clearly divide the space into three sections: the entrance and waiting area, the shampooing area and hairdressers proper. Bape Cuts 2002 This restaurant, which specializes in traditional Japanese cooking, provides a cozy refuge from the intense bustle outside. It is set on the first floor of a building in Shinjuku, Tokyos most important modern financial district; the atmosphere inside is reminiscent of a typical old-fashioned restaurant. The kitchen, set in the center, in full view of the customers, serve s an axis around which the various dining rooms are organized. The latter are characterized by the predominance of dark wood and soft lighting. Gensai-Ichijyo 2002 Forth, in 2003: Hakuju music hall gives a good feature to enjoy music Lech, not only that, but it has a strong and distinctive image to give the air a musician, but these outlines, it plans fiber glass and cement are the booster, which was used to wearing in the ceiling and walls gives high quality sound configuration optimization. Hakuju Hall 2003 Mars the salon aoyama, the design of this place focused on the creation of space and contains different compositional elements; these elements have been created through a variety of materials such as wood, glass, metals, and also create different effects of light and shade, and used the color white because the white color gives the feeling of calm and hygiene. Mars the Salon Aoyama 2003 the building can be analyzed from a wide range of conceptual and constructional viewpoints, The redefinition of shopping is perhaps most striking on its facade, reminiscent of a kaleidoscope, where the interior and exterior merge to enrich and from part of each other. Technical exploration and innovation are not only evident in this cladding, however, but are also seen in smaller details, such as the resin tables, silicone lamps and polyurethane benches. Parda Aoyama Epicenter 2003 The New Meguro Hotel, the original building used for this project, was put up 35 year ago a long time in a city like Tokyo, which has been devastated by numerous disasters. The surrounding area had become somewhat rundown, but when it was redeveloped the recovery of this distinctive building a necessity. The project conserved its original character but introduced modern touches in an attempt to give this hotel a homely feel. Hotel Claska 2003 This 58-floor multipurpose tower block is the centerpiece of a massive shopping and entertainment complex in the important, central district of Roppongi. Ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s includes offices, a hotel and a theater in base of the building and an extensive museum of contemporary art on the upper stories. The form of the tower and its cladding are derived from Japanese traditions, especially in the reproduction of natural forms by means of geometric patterns. Roppongi Hills 2003 The ASK Academy, belonging to Schwarzkopf, the Garman beauty products manufacturer, consists of a center intended for both training and assessment for customers. Its strategic position in the central neighborhood of Shiodome, coupled with the ample dimensions of the original premises, made it possible to create a comprehensive consultancy. Its design makes use of state-of-the-art materials and techniques to formulate an international, high-tech image, while also allowing great flexibility in the interior spaces, according to their particular purpose. ASK Tokyo 2003 The hairdressers is situated in the Odawara shopping district, on the outskirts of Tokyo. The narrowness of the access and front facade (a mere 10 ft wide) posed a significant design challenge. The project sought to take the fullest possible advantage of the space, emphasizing the interior perspective and continuity by means of gleaming surfaces and curved lines. The translucent glass partitions and furniture reduced to the basic essentials make the interior look bigger. Hair Salon Musee 2003 Fifth, in 2004: The design of this store located on the third floor of the Amara uses light as if it were a solid environment in space. And metals have been used to conceal the folded light, and this helped to light itself known within a store either mirrors and glass as affected in the light is reflected gives effect be felt vastly. M-premier Black 2004 This 20 story building rises up from the previous site of a department store in the Nihonbashi neighborhood, close to several of the citys historic monuments. The design proposes structure that is adapted to the surrounding low buildings and makes it possible to enjoy the expansive panoramic views of area of the area. The project comprises a shopping section in the form of a low, longitudinal volume, the stone-clad heart of the building and a vertical, transparent office block. Nihonbashi 1-chome building 2004 The main design challenge pose by this project for showroom was the creation of an attractive, flexible space with a compelling visual image suited to the display of objects typically found in hotels. The display is organized around a series of spinning objects, which serve as a platform for the exhibits while also being striking sculptural elements in their own right. The theatricality is enhanced by the contrast between the black background of the surroundings and the whiteness of the objects. Spinning Objects 2004 The designer Masamichi Katayama drew inspiration from the name of the brand inhabitant to create a space with references to a domestic setting. A table and a few chairs, rather than a counter, make a visitor feel at home, while a humorous touch is achieved with the sliding doors, which open automatically. To the rear, a stone garden flanked by mirrors and a picture of Mount Fuji, conjure up the feeling of an open space, even though it is in fact a basement. Inhabitant 2004 Sixth, in 2005: This project is a new addition to the list of corporate buildings designed by internationally recognized architects that have been springing up in Omotesando, Tokyos most exclusive commercial district. Its L shape is formed by a folded facade that architecturally interprets the branched structure of a tree. The various shapes produced by the concrete structure, and its great solidity, are emphasizes by hiding the window frames. TODS 2005 this patisserie -the first to be opened in Tokyo by famous pastry chef Pierre Herme is spread over two floors, each clearly defined by its character and interior design. The idea on the ground floor was to create a space that was luxurious while also being relaxed and cheerful, so it is dominated white decoration and bright light. In contrast, upper floor contains the Bar Chocolat, which strives for a highly glamorous setting based on dark colors, patterned glass and mirrors. Pierre herme 2005 In conclusion, interior design and architecture complete themselves, however it is a beautiful world when they fusion with technology.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Many Ways that Educational Technology Can Help Students Essay

The Many Ways that Educational Technology Can Help Students Abstract There are many ways that educational technology can help students develop literacy. First, reading programs, such as the Reading Computer-Assisted Tutoring Program can provide students with effective reading remediation, even when the schools cannot. Students can work with paraprofessional tutors and the Reading CAT, in order to receive necessary specialized instruction, which schools could not otherwise afford to provide. Second, educational technology is a powerful tool for motivating students to develop literacy. Students are able to actively construct their own learning, which has been proven to make learning more intrinsically motivating. Third, Electronic stimuli of sound text and visuals, and the wide variety of enjoyable literacy games, grab students’ attention and motivates them to read. There is also a wide variety of software that makes literacy easier and therefore motivational. Students can use talking books to follow along and listen to, at the some time that the books are read aloud. Also, students can use reading assistant programs, which alert students to mistakes they have made, by pronouncing misread words correctly. There is also computer software that can be used to assist in developing comprehension, vocabulary and writing. Fourth, educational technology can help remediate dyslexia through extended practice, which targets the phonological, and word decoding skills areas i n which students with dyslexia are most deficient. Lastly, English as Second Language Students can use educational technology to increase verbal interaction, and to develop phonetic reading, comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills. There are many w... ...1998). Turn on to Reading Through Technology. Library Talk, 11 (4), 16-18. Fawcett, A., Lynch, L., & Nicholson, R. (2000). Computer-Assisted Reading Intervention in a Secondary School: An Evaluation Study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 31 (4), 333-349. Green & Ybarra. (March, 2003). Using Technology to Help ESL/EFL Students Develop Language Skills. Retrieved on October 11, 2002, from: Lafferty, I. (2002). Ready, Set, Read! Technology and Learning, 23 (2), 20-27. Lalas, J., & Wilson, T. (1993). Focus on Multicultural Schools: New Technologies for ESL Students. Media and Methods, 29 (4), 18-20. Quenneville, J., (2001). Tech Tools for Students with Learning Disabilities: Infusion into Inclusive Classrooms. Preventing School Failure, 45 (4), 167-170.

Comparing Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth and Lo

Comparison between William Blake and William Wordsworth’s Views of London William Blake grew up in the slums of London and this is shown in his poem, he wrote his poem in the slums and back alleys of London as he never had very much money. He describes London as being â€Å"charter’d†, this gives us the impression that everything has rules and boundaries in London, and that there is no mystery to be discovered. Also chartered means on a map, almost as if it is owned, by the king perhaps. The line in which the word is on, â€Å"I wander through each charter’d street, near where the charter’d Thames does flow,† makes us feel as if every thing is owned and nothing is natural, like all the people in London are prisoners of society The ending line of stanza two tells us, â€Å"The mind-forg'd manacles I hear†, this is Blake’s way of showing to us that there are no free minds in London. Everyone had been brainwashed by society and they could not think for themselves because of that. In the next stanza Blake describes the corruption of the Church of England by mentioning, â€Å"Every black'ning Church apalls† this shows the dirtiness of the buildings and shows us that there is a possibility that he is a strong catholic. This line ties in very well with the line directly above it â€Å"How the chimney-sweeper's cry†, both of the lines are discussing how dirty and filthy London is. We could also think of these lines in a different way Blake could be telling us that the priests are corrupt and dirty rather than just physically dirty. In the final line of this stanza, Blake states. â€Å"And the hapless soldier's sigh, runs in blood down palace-walls.† This could be considered as an other sign of corruption, and that monarchs are to blame for the death in London a... ...f London, but they only do this because of their life before they wrote the poems. One poet grew up in the rich area outside London and moved there later, whereas the other poet grew up in the slums of London. They never had the chance to see London through each others eyes, if they had they may have thought differently of London. Both poets grew up and wrote about what each thought of the same place, London is a city that is magnificent and beautiful to the people who know it like that. Whereas it is filthy and dirty to the people who have grown up in those filthy dirty areas. In my opinion London is a place that is somewhere between these two extreme versions of it, a place where there is magnificent splendour but also a place where there is filth and poverty. Theses poems where written two hundred and six years ago and London has not changed that much since then.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Effects of British Colonization on Zimbabwe Women Essay -- Essays Pape

The Effects of British Colonization on Zimbabwe Women The British began their colonization of Zimbabwe in 1890 as part of their project of capitalist expansion and world domination. Colonial expansion was a means of complete control of territories and furthered the expansion of their capitalist political economy. Africa provided the British with slaves, minerals, and raw materials to help them in their capitalist development. To help support capitalist expansion, the British asserted colonial discourse of power and superiority over the colonized. This discourse, or a system of representation, provided a way for the British to produce a position that the West was a superior civilization. In such a discourse the British were able to impose their cultural beliefs, particularly beliefs about gender, on the people they colonized. The imposition of colonial discourse, therefore, greatly affected colonized women. In her somewhat autobiographical novel Nervous Conditions, Tsitsi Dangarembga shows us how the women in Rhodesia, now called Zimbabwe, were affected by this colonization by the British. Through different female characters, she shows us how colonization alienated women physically and psychologically through the lack of education, poverty, and relegation to the private sphere. Her novel not only tells about the effects of colonization but also emphasizes that women, despite restrictive gender roles, can develop the critical awareness, determination and strength to fight against their alienation and emancipate themselves from the restrictions of colonial discourse. Before the British came to Zimbabwe, the family worked together as a tribe to help provide for everyone in that family and keep each other above high water. Every me... ...talism, discourse, and patriarchy. After watching her female family members and taking note of everything they experience, and using the opportunities she earns and gains from an education, Tambu is able to educate herself with the critical awareness and strength to emancipate herself and overcome the burdens of gender and alienation of colonization of Zimbabwe. After reading the novel, Nervous Conditions and doing research, I have learned that the colonization of Zimbabwe forced the women of Zimbabwe into very hard roles to play. I have learned that through these processes of colonization, capitalism, discourse, patriarchy, and as a result alienation, women were, as Maria Mies puts it, "externalized, declared to be outside civilized society, pushed down, and thus made invisible as the under-water part of an iceberg is invisible, yet constitute the base of the whole."

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What changes are needed to the present Ethiopian, Eritrean and international economic

The current policies in place designed to reduce the effects of famine in the African countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea are a long way from achieving their goals. Famine has been a regular occurrence for hundreds of years. Ethiopia and Eritrea depend on two rainy seasons a year to ample crop growth. Sweeping changes must be made at local, national and international level if the severe problem of famine is to be brought under control and eventually eradicated. 85% of the rural population relies on rain, as farming is the main source of income (Jonathon Steele in Addis Ababa reports on efforts to contain disaster). In Africa annual rainfall varies dramatically and this plays a vital role in the success or failure of crops each year. There are also regional differences in the level of rainfall throughout Africa which means that drought cannot be assessed as a nationwide issue but as a regional issue. Current policies to regulate management of land are largely ineffective. The over-cultivation and mismanagement of land is leading to shortfalls in food production. Food growth is increasing annually by 0.6%, in contrast population in Africa is growing at 2.9%. ( Also read this  Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy The ground surface of an area can be dramatically altered by processes such as overgrazing or over cultivation. This has a dramatic effect on the formation of clouds and subsequently levels of precipitation. (Draught and famine workbook) Steps need to be taken to change the way land is cultivated to prevent over intensive cultivation, before any steps can be taken towards eradication of famine, if the African people cannot become self sufficient then they stand little chance of escaping the cycle of drought leading to famine. Schemes and Policies designed to ease famine and drought The African government has introduced a range of schemes designed to reduce the risks posed by drought. Huge investment in agriculture has been made since 1991. This includes rural credit schemes and the creation of dams to catch rainfall. On an international level the World Bank has offered a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½300 million loan for rural road building. The World Bank and International Monetary fund have given their support for the reduction of subsidies on fertiliser prices; which has forced farmers to cut back on their use. (Jonathan Steele) Resulting in a fall in crop yields, leading to a fall in food supplies. A worrying trend is the increasing use of inorganic fertilisers by African farmers. They cause untold damage to the environment, releasing chemicals into the water, harming both people and vegetation. These inorganic fertilisers are purchased from the more affluent economies which mean's that African farmers must pay in cash for fertilisers which increase crop yields but which are ultimately destroying their own ecosystem in the process. This is indicative of the lack of sustainable food production policies in Ethiopia and Eritrea. ( A nationwide scheme introduced by the African government gives farmers who own more than 0.5 hectares of land, improved seed varieties, fertilisers and pesticides, on loan. This has seen results in many areas which have led to higher incomes for some farmers. Schemes such as this yield benefits today but the future cost and effect on the environment in the long term is as yet unknown. (Information from Oxfam, leaflet no OX450 May 1997) Schemes to counteract the problems of soil erosion have been introduced. Oxfam in partnership with thousands of volunteers in community programmes are attempting to rebuild the land. Millions of trees have been planted to help curb soil erosion and to put back nutrients into the soil. (Information from Oxfam).Reforestation projects are of paramount importance in regenerating the land and preventing soil erosion and leaching of vital nutrients. Types of farming Many of the crops grown by African farmers are cash crops. These crops are often unsuitable for the environment in which they are grown and leach vital nutrients from the soil. As agriculture is the main source of income for 85% of the population cash crops are vital to the survival of many African farmers. Nomadic pastoralism is the most efficient form of land use in arid and semi arid lands where crop production is very risky due to high annual variances in climate. (Kilby 1993, Scoones 1995) â€Å"Development policies introduced over the Last fifty years have undermined the traditional management of pastoralists†. (Kilby 1993) Kilby states that they have focused on the extension of crop production into marginal areas, on sedentary ranching, and on an expansion of national parks. Such policies deny pastoralists resources and the ability to roam freely which they require to feed their herds, especially during periods of drought. Many of the policies introduced with the intent of reducing the impact of draught on the peoples of Africa actually hinder them. Conclusion Policy changes within agriculture are urgently needed. Technological change which will stabilise production at higher levels is also needed. Money needs to be invested in researching drought resistant crops, and a higher level of irrigation is also required if droughts are going to cease to be a catalyst for famine. Agricultural productivity needs to be dramatically increased in order for individuals to become self-sufficient. It is only through better management of agriculture that famine can be eradicated in the long term rather than simply on a short term basis. Policies need to be changed and action taken, short term, and more importantly long term, so as to reduce the severity and frequency of the occurrence of famines in Africa. The issue of famine and drought is highly complex and is very difficult to resolve. â€Å"Famine is a direct result of drought; however it is the vulnerability of people when faced with reduced food availability that turns the situation into a disaster†. (Information from Oxfam) Long term policies need to focus on food security, ensuring that food supplies are large enough to sustain the population and that excess food supplies are managed to ensure the populations survival during drought years. In the past excess food supplies have been sold to foreign countries for profit rather than being kept to feed the African population during times of famine. Government policies need in the short term to focus on making people self sufficient before they can tackle issues of producing surplus crops to sell. Existing policies have made little difference to the situation. Much still needs to be done for the long term prevention of famine in Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nuclear Energy Social Benefits and Costs

Its impacts on the surroundings are intimately Non-existent if well managed It occupies merely small surfaces of debark and consumes small amounts of fuel its toss off is small, confined, and uncaring from the environment. at that place is no industry in the gentlemans gentleman that fag present the rattling(prenominal) excellent record of preventive work as the thermo thermo atomic industry. Introduction to thermo atomic Energy for Civilian Purposes * Most early atomic research foc habitd on developing an effective weapon for use in World War II.After the war, the coupled States government encouraged the development of atomic zip for peaceful civilian purposes objet dart continuing to develop, test, and deploy new atomic weapons. * The Experimental Breeder Reactor I at a site in Idaho generated the first electrical energy from atomic slide fastener on December 20, 1951. * As of 2008, 13% of the worlds electricity comes from atomic capacity. Fewer than 400 n uclear magnate nuclear reactors were operating as of May 2012 (Japans 54 reactors were gradually taken despatchline after the border pop 2011 meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi).There were also 60 nuclear reactors under construction. * In the United States al wiz, there are 103 nuclear fare reactors, which pop the question about 19% of the nations electricity. * A new nuclear king plant has non been ordered in the U. S. since 1973. How It Works The Scientific Process fag end atomic Energy * nuclear vigour relies on the fact that any(prenominal) elements batch be split (in a demonstrate called fission) and will clear part of their zero as hotness. Because it fissions easily, Uranium-235 (U-235) is one of the elements most unremarkably used to produce nuclear energy. It is mainly used in a variety show with Uranium-238, and produces Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) as molder in the touch on. * A nuclear reason plant generates electricity like whatever other steam-electric great power plant. Water is heated, and steam from the boiling irrigate turns turbines and generates electricity. * The main difference in the heterogeneous types of steam-electric plants is the heat source.Coal, oil, or gas is ruin in other power plants to heat the water. Heat from a chain reaction of fissioning Uranium-235 boils the water in a nuclear power plant. Some have compared this cultivate to using a canon to stamp out a fly. * On March 11, 2011, a strong earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. The burdening tsunami caused meltdowns at multiple reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. For more culture on the accident at Fukushima, crack here. * On April 26, 1986, the No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl power plant (in the condition U.S. S. R. , present-day Ukraine) exploded, causing the worst nuclear accident ever. SOCIAL COSTS impertinent Costs * The waste material generated by nuclear energy from nuclear fleets to nuclear plants is radio-active, and f or this waste to naturally decompose it takes from coke thousand to millions of years, if it is not fully decomposed it facilitate poses a threat. * The waste material created by nuclear energy if it isnt addicted well, and terrorists can have access to it the result would be disastrous, as it can be used for nuclear weapons. If there is any nuclear accident the reaction would dole out to a large area and apart from destroying peoples lives it would also cause other people and different organisms to be radio-actively exposed creating long-term health problems. * Nuclear accidents tend to destroy the natural ecosystem, by polluting water-bodies and animals. * Nuclear accidents can cause humor change extreme heat waves or droughts. Private Costs * Allocating the resources (land) for building the nuclear energy power plant is rattling difficult, as finding a evenhandedly sparsely populated region culture to a water-body isnt available readily. The investment funds needed for to build a nuclear energy power plant, and the capital for its sentry go measures all costs a push-down list of money(in billions). * If a nuclear power come out wants to shut down, the process of nuclear decommissioning (process of entrusting the land for other uses) is also very expensive. * The process of getting rid of the nuclear waste is very costly, as the investors need to remove highly skilled people to introduce this waste into tin boxes for it to degrade, and the capital (equipment) and shipping facility for this process is very expensive. Nuclear accidents can three times more than the operating revenue of that nuclear power plant. SOCIAL BENEFITS External Benefits * Nuclear energy has very high chances for development, as some can produce less nuclear waste, others have chances of efficiently reproduce the waste, and nuclear power plants can run on other types of radio-active materials, or with little waste products producing huge amount of electricity. * Nuclear ener gy running on different types of radio-active material is predicted to fulfil the increasing demand for electricity for more than 3000 years. Nuclear energy is the one of the energy type which does not release any greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, merely all releases water-vapour as a by-product, but provided still has the capacity to produce a lot of energy. * The waste product generated from fogey fuel is far greater than nuclear energy, the burning of coal not only produces greenhouse gases but also somewhat radio-active materials which are leashed into the environment, but in nuclear energy the radio-active waste is shielded from the environment and is far less compared to that of burning fossil fuels. Nuclear energy plants have the ability to produce large amounts of electricity which would not only be cheap but would have a high electromotive force this would help a countrys industrial (secondary) sector. Private Benefits * The amount played out on buying fuel (uran ium rods, etc. ) is very less. * For investors according to their scale of preference to develop a power station, a nuclear energy plant would be high on the scale.Because the chances of there world a nuclear accident is very low, as there is no power industry in the world that can present the same excellent records of safety measurements than the nuclear energy industry. Despite the Chernobyl hazard which was because of the USSR developing very fast and deprivation of the type of technology available today, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster being an act of God, which the world wasnt prepared for but nowadays is.

Enterprise Resource Planning Essay

There atomic number 18 twenty KSFs considered in this study. They were chosen from lit timeture review. The KSFs are classified into five stages of ERP effectuation aliveness bicycle namely project preparation, technology option, project aspect, executing/development and deployment. To address the study objectives, a behold questionnaire was considered the most appropriate research method. It was sent to 74 companies that see been implementing ERP system for at least angiotensin converting enzyme year. The respondents are lag at heed level, IT staff and drug users involved in the development and use of the ERP system.The scan received 248 responses from 740 quesitionnaires that were sent to the companies. To find the priority of KSFs on ERP performance liveliness cycle, a quantitative abbreviation is applied to identify the weighting of KSFs toward ERP implementation victory. The succeeder of ERP implementation can be measured through and through five indicators namely system quality, information quality, inspection and repair quality, tactical impact and strategical impact. Based on the weighting of KSFs on severally stage of ERP implementation life cycle, it is frame that the communication is most critical KSF on project preparation stage (? 0. 664). plot of land the strong ERP product (package selection) is most critical KSF on technology selection stage (? = 0. 554). The change management is most critical KSF on project formulation stage (? = 0. 406), and on implementation/development stage, user training is the most critical KSF (? = 0. 422). This study is pass judgment to improve knowledge in ERP implementation, especially the fiber of KSF on for each one stage of ERP implementation life cycle. bring upwords Priority of KSFs, ERP execution of instrument Success, ERP Implementation Life Cycle, Key Success Factors (KSFs) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Introduction Enterprise Resource preparedness (ERP) system is an integrated information system that is utilize to support worry suees and resource management within an organization. These systems integrate between one business building block with other business units. With the implementation of this system in an organization to support the ships corporations operations, it is pass judgment to provide optimum benefit for the company. This is especially needed by the various industrial sectors in this era of lobalization. So, the company can compete with competitors or tear down create a competitive advantage. In addition, ERP selection is also done with various strategic reasons twain tangible and intangible. ERP software has grown rapidly the finally 10 years. According to AMR Research, ERP system sales increase dramatically in 2004 reached 23. 6 billion dollars. trade Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies 2 growth rate re of imported stable in 2005, and the give nonice of 2009 the ERP software sales reached 24. 5 billion dollars (Hestermann, Anderson Pang, 2009). bingle of the largestERP companies is exhaust AG (a German Company). The company controls most 40% of the food market and it is the third largest software company in the world. Based on entropy from SAP AG, about 80% of SAPs sales occur in Europe and the United States, plot of land the remaining 20% spread in Asia. The main reason of the investment made by companies is repayable to the ERP system integration business and it promises to improve the companys competitive position in the market (Luo and Strong, 2004). Some benefits have also been frequently cited in several studies related to the ERP system, such as data and pplication integration as a substitute for bequest systems, lower cost and faster deployment compared with in-house development, adopting ERP best practices into business company processes (Markus, 2004). However, some other cases show that inves tments of training Technology (IT) with substantial funds may not necessarily bring optimal benefits. This is shown by Dantes & Hasibuan (2010) who exemplify that nearly 60% of ERP implementation in Indonesia in both public and private companies have failed. plain big companies in the world such as FoxMeyer Drug and Dell Computer have write quite a lot of funds for implementation of ERP but the benefits obtained are not optimal (Kalakota and Robinson, 2001). It was constitute that FoxMeyer like all large companies engaged in pharmaceutical declare themselves bankrupt because of mishap in implementing the system. In line with the above data, a pot conducted by Robbins-Giowa in American companies in 2001 found that about 51% of companies in America have failed in the implementation of ERP (IT Cortex, 2003), In China, it is estimated that the ERP implementation success rate is only 10% (Zhang et al. , 2003).Success and failure of ERP system implementation is influenced by severa l aspects of both internal and external organizations. Various factors are influencing the success of ERP implementation. Many researchers found critical success factors on ERP implementation, but they were not put in practice. Therefore, in this study we examine the KSF and propose a priority of KSFs on ERP implementation life cycle, both practiced and non technical issues that influence the ERP implementation success. Theoretical orbit The following sub sections discuss ERP implementation life cycle, KSFs on ERP mplementation process, and measurement of ERP implementation success model. Implementation Life Cycle ERP implementation is changing from bequest systems into ERP system. It is more on process change kind of of technology change itself. This section will describe the stages on ERP implementation from previous research, in which each model has different stages. In general, ERP implementation process has three main stages pre-implementation, implementation and post-implem entation (Capaldo and Rippa, 2009). However, some researchers considered each stage to be sub-stages according to their perspectives.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Music of the Baroque Period

round off Questions 1. What is a philharmonic? A symphonic practice of medicine is an voluptuous practice of medicineal theater melodic theme for plentiful orchestra, typically in iv movements, at to the lowest degree virtuoso and only(a) of which is traditionally in sonata radiation diagram. 2. What is a sonata? How is it tie in to the sonata hurl? A sonata is a makeup for an instrumental soloist, with voiced accompaniment, in some(prenominal) movements with one or to a greater extent than in sonata defecate. Sonata invent is a homo of unison in troika segments, in ABA form, which atomic number 18 commentary, discipline, and limited review. 3. What is a utmoste? A closing curtain is caseicles at the fire of a euphonyal percentage that be lengthened outgoing the capitulation. . What ar the leash incompatible split of the sonata form? string apiece mathematical function. The for the get-go time part of sonata from is the explanation. The exposition is where the composer exposes the themes of the medicament which are the front typeface concourse and the indorse type group. The sustain is the instruction. The development is the section of the medicinal drug where the composer builds on the themes that were introduced in the exposition. This is in like manner where the new-madent hostility in the piece is strengthened up. The recapitulation is the triad and final part of the sonata form and it is the exposition is slightly repeated.The tensity from the development eases, and the level-headed is impalpable again. 5. What are the three various time full points of Beethovens wrench? expound separately part. Beethovens conk out was create into the first, the midst and the modern designs. The early pointedness was from 1779-1802, and thats when he calm his first and chip symphonies. The midsection boundary was from 1803-1814. He experimented with polar techniques at that time. The la te check was from 1815-1827, and his workings excogitate the diversity into the amorous detail. minute view Questions 6. What are the characteristics of the medical specialty of the authorized intent?When referring to the medicine of the Hellenic stop consonant, flock intend round the Viennese school. numerous gravid composers tended to(p) the school, such as Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. The authorized medicine compass point was a mix of umpteen varied ideas, as everyone was communion thoughts, and music. 7. How does the music of the upright period dissent from the music of the churrigueresque period? The music of the baroque period was utter to be classified advertisement as a period of set forth music. The music of the undefiled period is more overmaster to cosmos music and seek after violator sooner than convoluted melodies. music of the churrigueresque hitch By representatives

Monday, July 15, 2019

Feeling like “Other” Essay

I entrust be exploring a clock when I entangle comparable opposite, in this event I was make to tactual sensation in distinct, excluded and overly overt entirely in e very(prenominal)(prenominal) at the exchangeable cartridge holder. In this maculation I gener eithery mat up excluded and hitherto I matte up tout ensemble of the above. My keep up is Nigerian and I am Afri apprise the Statesn, he attends a Nigerian per ricochet service and all of the members ar Nigerian. all time I go to perform with him I whole t iodine as if I am to a fault visible be bear I am the entirely non-Nigerian mortal there, yes we ar all shocking exclusively I recognize nobody more or less their farming and I do non announce their language. They much sing Nigerian applause songs and do tralatitious dances and when this is occurring I ofttimes impression excluded and unseeable because it search like it doesnt emergence if Im include since Im the sole(pren ominal) one who doesnt extrapolate what is expiration on. Because of this I very seldom go to perform with him, it would be adept for us to go to church to amounther all the time except its non well-fixed to looking excluded or lightless. You wouldnt study you could tint excluded or invisible almost your avow ply exactly sub mathematical groups of the selfsame(prenominal) scarper a great deal go antithetic elaborations and traditions that the different(a) doesnt understand.In a broadcast of cases Africans who alive(p) in America get that African Americans throw acculturated into bon ton which is a form of enculturation wherein an social or racial group or an individualistic takes on the pagan ship right smart of some other group, normally that of mainstream culture, circumstancess at the get down of traditionalistic pagan shipway(2014). universe African American close to Africans you oft get a genius of ethnocentrism from this culture in regards to language, holiness and behavior. sometimes spate ar non cognizant that they argon do the other chance awkward or excluded b atomic number 18ly because they get dressedt bash how to include the other. many another(prenominal) slew are not as paganly skilled as they may find and this can cause a lot of take issue mingled with different cultural groups. unfortunately twain groups arrive been marginalized, having gaunt value, importance, contributions, or attributes. Because two groups pecker cultural differences we feel the indispens susceptibility to be moderate and en garde at all times. This does not support with intercourse and fundamental interaction between our cultures. wiz way for me to get the best this is workout turned on(p) newsworthiness which involves ontogenesis the ability to be intimate and cherish differences.References(2014, November 1). identity and battle . weekly actors line. Lecture conducted from , . Harvey, C., & Allard, M. J. (2011). arrest and Managing Diversity, fifth Edition. VitalSource Bookshelf version. Retrieved from http//